Online Therapy Available | 280 Linden Tree Road, Wilton CT
Online Therapy Available | 280 Linden Tree Road, Wilton CT

Therapy for Infertility

Infertility can cause stress and frustration in any marriage.

Infertility is one of the most stressful challenges to any relationship. You and your partner may feel isolated in a world full of families with children. Therapy for infertility issues can help you and your partner deal more effectively with the difficult emotions you may face as you try to become parents. Paula Levy is a compassionate and insightful therapist who can understand the pain of seeing your friend pregnant with her third child while you still struggle to have your first baby. She understands the pain and disappointment of repeated miscarriages and failed infertility treatments. She can help you while you are dealing with the hormonal changes of infertility treatments. Paula Levy, a relationship expert, has helped many families struggling with joys and disappointment of infertility issues. She helps clients acknowledge each other’s feelings and to deal with problems that arise in the relationship. They review the potential gains, pitfall, and overall psychological effects of various treatment options. Some couples have difficulties because one partner is committed to pursuing all treatment options while the other would like to set time, financial or other limits. Many couples grieve for the child that they have been unable to have. While in therapy for infertility issues couples learn to comfort each other. They discuss the joys and difficulties of adoption. While in therapy for infertility issues, the clients learn to celebrate their successes and to accept the frustrations that are a part of managing infertility. Couples who seek therapy for infertility issues frequently learn to gain strength and support from each other as they navigate the uncharted territories of infertility.